Building a stronger Tucson economy

AGM's Legacy Award

On March 16, 2017, the Tucson Metro Chamber of Commerce recognized AGM Container Controls, Inc. (AGM) with a “Legacy Award” at the annual Tucson State of the City luncheon held at the J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort. The award is in recognition of AGM’s 47 years of continual membership with the Tucson Metro Chamber, as well as the company’s unwavering commitment to improving the economic, educational, and social wellbeing of the Tucson community.

The award was presented by Mike Varney, the Tucson Metro Chamber President and CEO, to Tom Christie, AGM’s CFO, as well as to Roger and Joyce Stewart, AGM’s founders.

In addition to the recognition ceremony, the event served as a platform for Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild to discuss his plans for the coming year. For those interested in viewing Mayor Rothschild’s speech, video of the event can be found here, and a transcript of the speech can be found here.

AGM’s Recognition Ceremony

The following is a transcription of AGM’s recognition ceremony:

Chamber President and CEO, Mike Varney: …their [AGM] product lines are used in a variety of industries, such as aerospace and defense, industrial, transportation, and even food and pharmaceuticals, to protect items and instruments from moisture, corrosion, and shock impact. AGM has been an investor of the Tucson Metro Chamber since 1970 – that’s 47 years of trust and confidence in the Chamber and its mission to build a strong local economy and build a better economy.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce Howard Stewart [AGM’s President and CEO] to you; however, Howard chose today to become ill so, Howard is not here and in Howard’s place we have the AGM CFO, Mr. Tom Christie. Tom where are you? Come on up.


AGM CFO, Tom Christie: I am honored to accept this Legacy Award on behalf of Joyce and Roger Stewart, who are AGM’s founders, as well as Howard Stewart, AGM’s president/CEO, who couldn’t be with us today.

When Howard phoned his father to tell him about this award, Roger [Howard’s father] reminded him that very few businesses – perhaps no more than 2 or 3 percent –are successful enough to make it into their 47th year. But AGM has done so, along with a few other chamber businesses that are represented here today.

Anyhow, AGM is proud to have been a chamber member since the inception of our company in 1970. Membership to the chamber has always been important to the Stewart family, because the chamber is out there day after day, advocating on behalf of all Tucson businesses – whether it’s meeting with city, county, state, or federal officials – and it’s the importance of their work that has compelled Howard to serve as a member of the Tucson Metro Chamber board for the last five years.

On a totally unrelated note, it’s my pleasure to announce that AGM is just weeks away from celebrating out 25th consecutive year without layoffs, and…


…and Howard and I are really proud of our employees who have helped us achieve this important milestone. That’s not an easy accomplishment. For example, Howard let me know that in 2008 alone 78% of US businesses experienced a layoff.

Anyhow, Roger and Joyce, would you please stand for a moment to help me thank the Chamber for this Legacy Award?

(Roger and Joyce Stewart stand)


Varney: Thank you Tom, and please give Howard our best wishes for a speedy recovery.